A resource built to be professional, insightful & extensive.

Producing expertise
Complete work 10x faster, save on external costs, and free up your time
Gain an unfair advantage
Discover proven templates, strategies and contracts used by leading production companies
Make informed decisions
Make more connections, find better stories, and discover new ways to improve your projects.
Easy to use database
Quickly find exactly what you need using categories, tags and search.
Helpful hacks and links
Podcasts, newsletters, and new tech tools you've not heard of before
Producing expertise
Complete work 10x faster, save on external costs, and free up your time
Gain an unfair advantage
Discover proven templates, strategies and contracts used by leading production companies
Make informed decisions
Make more connections, find better stories, and discover new ways to improve your projects.
Easy to use database
Quickly find exactly what you need using categories, tags and search.
Producing expertise
Complete work 10x faster, save on external costs, and free up your time

Everything a Producer needs, at your fingertips

A film producer sitting in front of a laptop and enjoying a drink

Find instant solutions with tried and tested legal documents

Option & Development Agreements
Cast & Personnel Agreements
Financing & Co-Production Agreements

Leverage the experience of leading film executives

Financier Database
Finance Plan & Recoupment Schedule
Movie Magic Budgeting examples

Discover insider insights and take the guess work out

Streamer & broadcaster mandates
Variety industry reports
Facts on Pacts industry reports

Script to screen, simplified

Airtable logo

Airtable Preview

Connect your accounts to milestone
Scan bills and receipts with mobile app
Categorize expenses based on custom rules
Improve your cashflow with detailed data

Trusted by over 250 Producers & Filmmakers

"this is fantastic, thank you"
"incredibly helpful list of resources"
"it is my main workhorse now"
Toolbox resources
Template documents
Toolbox users

Industry leading filmmakers

Resources utilized by Producers of shows featuring on the biggest networks and streamers,
Accounting software that handles it all.
On top of all that, we takes care of other common issues such as missing system-fonts, missing
Easy Invoicing
Automate recurring invoices and save time by using pre-built templates. Get paid on time.
Complete Visibility
Get real-time visibility into every expense and payment, with a neat dashboard.
Manage expenses
Snap and categorize receipts in seconds and link your bank account.
Streamline payroll
Set up payroll and bonuses for all your employees, and never be late on salaries.

Get access to the Producer's Toolbox. 105 Tips, Tricks & Templates.

Industry 'Facts on Pacts'
Option Agreement
Financier Database
Co-Production Agreement
Industry 'Facts on Pacts'
Option Agreement
Financier Database
Festival Database
Co-Production Agreements