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Frequently asked questions

Is the Producer's Toolbox for me?
This database is for independent Producers who want to bolster their skills and knowledge with pragmatic advice and tools they can apply to their daily work. The documentation is geared more towards film than TV, however they are easily transferrable.
What form is it in?
It is hosted on Airtable which is free to use and doesn't require you to sign up. Once you've purchased the Producer's Toolbox you'll be directed straight to Airtable and will also receive an email link which you will have lifetime access to. There are various word and excel documents which can be downloaded from Airtable.
Can I use the legal documents for my own project?
The legal documents and agreements shared are examples and for reference use only. We are not providing legal advice and you should always seek external counsel before entering into a formal agreement with another party.
I signed up for the free tools but haven't received anything?
Thanks for signing up. Check your spam box or promotions folder as it may have landed there than in your inbox. However any issues, please contact us directly as hello@producers-toolbox.com

Get access to the Producer's Toolbox. 105 Tips, Tricks & Templates.

Industry 'Facts on Pacts'
Option Agreement
Financier Database
Co-Production Agreement
Industry 'Facts on Pacts'
Option Agreement
Financier Database
Festival Database
Co-Production Agreements