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Over 105 resources covering every stage of the production & distribution process.

Access Legal documents, discover industry trends and find new ways to discover talent.
Full financier database alongside excel models and budgeting templates.
Practical tools from budgets, call sheets and progress reports to get you through the production process.
Everything you need to plan and execute a successful distribution and marketing plan for your film.
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Everything you need
to produce your next film

Our resource is more than just a collection of information - it's designed to provide concrete, useful strategies to help filmmakers streamline their processes and advance their projects. We focus on the business side of producing, providing the tools and guidance you need to succeed.
105 Filmmaking Resources.
Over 50 document templates.
Industry reports and insider databases.

Drawing from decades of film experience

The Producer's Toolbox draws on the collective expertise of industry professionals with decades of experience in producing film and TV.

This wealth of knowledge has been carefully curated and organized to provide you with the most effective and up-to-date tools and resources. Whether you're just starting out or an experienced professional, the Producer's Toolbox has something to offer.
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Development Budget
Finance Plan
Option Agreement
Waterfall & Recoupment Schedule
Shopping Agreement
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Get access to the Producer's Toolbox. 105 Tips, Ticks, & Templates.

Industry 'Facts on Pacts'
‍Option Agreement
Financier Database
Festival Database
Co-Production Agreement
Industry 'Facts on Pacts'
Option Agreement
Financier Database
Festival Database
Co-Production Agreements